Saturday, August 30, 2008

Overmatched @ Ellsworth

My outing on Thursday evening was one of my worst. Exhausted from a hectic first week of school, I put up little resistance against the better players at the Ellsworth Chess Club. (See for a write-up on the busiest (?) chess club in Maine.) Later in the evening I recouped to win a couple of games before I headed for home. I tried some different openings and that at least kept my mind alert.

We had fourteen show up including a few newcomers. Hopefully it won't drop off too drastically as more of us return to our school schedules.

I continue with a few Gameknot games under the airlinechess moniker. If anyone ever reads this blog, they're welcome to challenge me! Also I try more tactics on the chess tactics server in order to keep myself ready for more challenges.

Play attacking chess!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I joined gameknot to play you.I found the board too small amongst other things I didn't care for.I hate those little squares that come up when you move a piece.I find them very distracting.Blitzin or ICC gives much more for the money.Roger Morin