Sunday, December 12, 2010

Aurora Winter Solstice - A Success

On Saturday, December 11, forty chess players of all ages gathered in the tiny hamlet of Aurora, Maine, to compete in the sixth annual Aurora Winter Solstice. Along with with four competitive sections of chess there was great homemade food that the participants could purchase. Proceeds from the event benefit the Airline Community School chess program.

The chess competition saw Steve Abrahams and Roger Morin tie for first in the Open section when they agreed on a draw in the final round. In the Under 1400 section John Ellison walked away as the clear winner and a new chess set for one of his grandchildren. The Under 1000 section continued to show the rise of Ian Youth as he was also the clear winner in a group of ten. The Under 600 section featured a first time champion in Isaac Vaughn who was the only competitor of the day to win all of his games.

A special thanks goes out to all those volunteers who made this event a success! Check out the illustrated write-up on