Thursday, July 23, 2009

Polgar Preparations

Hello again!

The past few months have seen chess take a back seat to outdoor track, but it's always been there - an occasional appearance at Mr. Paperback in Ellsworth, playing on Gameknot, and some work on chess tactics. The track for the girls went well as Margaret led her team to a state title while qualifying for New Englands. Her speciality is middle distance, and her favorite event is the 800 Meter: her PR is 2:22 which she set at New Englands. Anna also did well in her track season by qualifying for the National Jr. Olympics (11-12 age group) in the discus, shot put, and turbo javelin. She still has the State of Maine meet coming up August 8.

Now Margaret is packing to attend the Susan Polgar National Invitational in Lubbock, Texas. The tournament format sees the girls playing one round a day for six days. Again she will report her games for, but your first info will be printed here. She has been preparing herself with daily workouts and reviews of games. She also has an idea of what to expect having been three years ago in Chicago.

I wish her well as I'm staying behind this time with Anna while her mom accompanies her. Good luck, Maggie!

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