Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chess Superstars at Supernationals

As we prepare to travel to Nashville, we have stars swirling in our minds. Those stars are named Kasparov, Kosteniuk, and Ashley to name a few: that's chess superstar Garry Kasparov, Women's World Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk, and Grandmaster Maurice Ashley. U.S Champion Yuri Shulman will also attend along with GMs Stripunsky and Shabalov.

I'm looking forward to attending a simul or two and see what aura these grandmasters emit. It's probably different than the bigger than life athletic superstars, but I'm sure there will be a comparable buzz as over 5000 scholastic chess players look over their shoulders to see some of the biggest names in the chess world in the same room.

In 48 hours I will be at the Opryland Resort and wondering if sleep will come and if Friday will proceed smoothly. I can't wait!

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