Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Last week's event at Ellsworth drew 11 characters. We had a good time. I was a little miffed by a person touching my piece and then deciding not to take it. It was in a three person game that was short, so I shouldn't complain.

The cross tables for the Houlton event are up; no report on as of yet.

Sorel Edes is holding her own at the Polgar with 1.5 points in four rounds including a draw against Ananya Roy who is 600 points higher than her. Good luck to Sorel in her final two rounds. Maggie scored 2.5 points in her Polgar while Lily Briggs scored 2.0 last year.

The St. Croix International in Perry will be the next big event in Eastern Maine on August 16. Come enjoy the great competition and setting.

Tomorrow evening should be another fun affair in Ellsworth. Check it out!

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