Friday, October 23, 2009

A Busy Chess Week

Last evening I travelled over to Ellsworth to play some chess with Dick Powell and a couple of area high school students. It was a relaxed two hours with casual conversation and even more casual chess. When we had to leave Mr. Paperback at 8:00, we had enjoyed the beauty of the game while enjoying each other's company.

Today I spent forty-five minutes at the end of the school day taking my class through lessons from Susan Polgar's curriculum. The students enjoyed the challenges before them and took the thoughts of 64 squares with them out the door and home for the weekend. I am sure that other things like "Youth Hunting Day" were more on their minds than chess, but again they enjoyed the camaraderie at the end of the day in looking at chess lessons together.

After the students left, I hustled to John Bapst where I met with Yuri Riabkov, their chess coach, to discuss plans for PVC high school chess this year. I mentioned that I had been in contact with John Dearing (Bangor coach) and Steve Abrahams (Orono coach). We have tentatively scheduled our organizational meeting for Monday, November 2 at Border's in Bangor. Yuri was also excited by the fact that he has close to fifteen interested students this year and that the school is willing to support two teams for the states this year. It was nice to see that there are more students excited about joining their friends over the board this year. Again the social aspect seems to be a strong draw.

I then came home and saw that there was another statement on from Akagi Kayashima. I am surprised that he feels that the choice between candidates represents a choice between new and old. I certainly hope to push Maine chess forward if I'm elected and I don't feel that I will rely on old ideas. I do hope to rely on those that have been involved in Maine chess in recent times to help push chess in Maine to greater heights. I also hope that if I am president that Akagi will still promote chess in Maine. I would be disappointed if his promoting chess here is dependent upon his being elected.

I have always enjoyed the relationships that I have developed while playing chess. It is something that draws one back to a club or a tournament setting. I'm hoping that I can encourage others who want to cultivate these memories and feelings to participate in over-the-board chess during the next few years.

Thanks again to all those who have been most supportive in my candidacy.

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